What Is Agar?
What Is agar? Is it healthy? How do you use it? Here’s what you need to know about agar.
What is agar?
Agar is a cooking ingredient that works well as a vegan substitute for gelatin.
Is it a “new” trendy ingredient, like chia seed and kale chips?
Nope. Agar was discovered in 1658 and has been used in Asian cuisine for centuries.
What is it used for?
In the home kitchen, you can use this amazing ingredient to thicken foods. For example, I use it to make my vegan cheese firm and sliceable. In this recipe for vegan sour cream, I use it to thicken the sour cream and makes it light and creamy.
Where is agar made from?
It is made from a seaweed.
Does it taste like seaweed!?
No, agar has no flavor of its own.
Can I use agar instead of gelatin?
Yes! It makes a great vegetarian or vegan substitute or alternative for gelatin. (Gelatin is made from the cartilage, bones, skin, and tendons of animals.) Although, keep in mind that recipes made with agar will be firmer and won’t have quite the jiggle that gelatin has.
How do I cook with it?
To use this fun ingredient, be sure to dissolved it in a liquid then bring it to a boil. As it cools, it will begin to gel.
How much agar do I use?
The amount of agar to use depends on what you are using it for. An approximate ratio is 1 1/2 teaspoons agar powder per 1 cup liquid.
In what forms does agar come?
You can purchase agar in flake and powder forms and occasionally as dried strips and as bars. I prefer to use the powdered form because it allows for easy and more accurate measuring. If you are using the powdered form, use it in a 1:1 ratio when substituting for gelatin
Where can I buy agar?
I find the easiest place to get agar is online. One click and it’s at my doorstep in a few days. I’ve also seen agar in health food stores, in Asian markets, and in some supermarkets. Be sure to get the real deal – avoid agar that has fillers.

Is agar expensive?
Not at all. About 75 cents worth will make approximately 50 (2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″) slices of this vegan cheese.
Recipes that use agar
I use it to make:
– this delicious vegan sandwich cheese

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Just wondering, can xanthum or gar gum be substituted for agar?
Hi Brenda,
Unfortunately, xanthan gum and guar gum can’t be substituted for agar. I really don’t know of any good sub for agar. Sorry.
Can I use gelatin in place of agar