Jennifer’s Kitchen Weight Loss Program
FAQ for Members
1. How does the program work?
As a member, you’ll receive a daily email that walks you through the program.
For the first 14 days of the program, your daily emails will contain a link to a video for the day.
After each video, you will see a link for your assignment for the day. Be sure to set aside time each day to do these assignments as they are instrumental in helping you reach your weight loss goals.
You can also enjoy the recipes in the program. On the Weight Loss Program Home page, you will find a section in the program entitled “Recipes for a Skinny You” with a link to all the recipes in the program.
After you have watched all the videos, completed the daily assignments, and stocked your kitchen with healthy ingredients, you should begin using meal plans.
Read more about how to follow the program.
2. How do I log in?
Go to the navigation menu and click on Member Login (on mobile) or account (on desktop).
Enter your email address and password.
Click “LOGIN”.
3. How do I navigate the program?
When you are logged in, you will see the weight loss program navigation menu at the top of your screen.
Use that navigation menu to go wherever you want to go in the program. OR go to the Weight Loss Program Home page to choose where you want to go.
(When you are not logged in, you will see a navigation menu for the regular Jennifer’s Kitchen website/blog. Be sure to log into the program so you can see the recipes, resources, etc. for the program.)
4. Help! I’m behind in the program! Can I start the daily emails again?
No problem. Just go to this resubscribe page to start again.
5. My membership is about to expire. How can I renew it?
1. Go to your account.
2. Under “Actions”, click on “Renew your membership”
3. You will be taken to a page that allows you to renew your membership.
6. I love this program! How can I tell others about it?
Join our affiliate program! Not only can you share this program with others, but you can get paid for it!
7. Can I purchase a gift membership to give to a friend?
Yes, you can purchase gift memberships here.
8. Do you do personal, one-on-one consultations?
Yes. You can schedule a consultation here.
9. I have another question. Where can I get my question answered?
As a member (or past member) of the weight loss program, you have free access to the Jennifer’s Kitchen Support Group. This is the best place to get all your questions answered promptly.
10. How can I contact Jennifer?
If you are a member (or past member) of the weight loss program, the best way to contact me is via the support group. This group is closely monitored and receives top priority.
The second-best way is via the contact form on my website, although keep in mind that I receive about 30 emails a day and, while I reply to them the best I can, responses are often delayed by several days.
The worst way to try to contact me is via Facebook Messenger. I get hundreds of messages via Messenger every week and most of them are spam, so this inbox is check very infrequently.