Blendtec vs. Vitamix – Which is the Best Blender?

How to choose the best blender.

Which is the better blender - Blendtec or Vitamix?

I’ve used many blenders over the years … and burned up quite a few of them as well.

After dumping loads of hard-earned dollars into the purchase of promising blenders, listening to long and irritating minutes of a screaming blender’s meager (and unsuccessful) attempts to make a smooth salad dressing, and then smelling that ominous burnt motor odor one too many times, I decided that cooking would be so much quicker, easier, and more productive with a high-quality, heavy-duty blender.

But a good blender isn’t cheap; so before I invested that much money, I wanted to make sure I got the blender that was best for me.  And I thought I would share my findings and experiences with you.

The Best Blenders

Among the many blenders I’ve used, the Blendtec Blender and the Vitamix stand out as superior appliances.  If I served you two smoothies or two bowls of creamy soup – one made in a Blendtec Blender and one made in a Vitamix – you probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.  Both blenders produce a very smooth final product.

(Note: Many readers have asked what I think about the Ninja blender. I’ve tried it and I would never buy one unless all I wanted were smoothies. It didn’t get the ingredients smooth.)

However, there are some differences between these two blenders, and I’ve highlighted and organized these differences in the following chart to help you as you make your decision.  I have tried to provide unbiased information and to simply inform so you can make the decision that is best for you.

I’ve done my best to provide accurate information.  If you notice any inaccuracies, please let me know and I will make corrections.  If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I’ll do my best to answer it : )

Which is better - Blendtec or Vitamix?
Blendtec Designer SeriesVitamix 5200 Series
AMPS1311 1/2
Motor Wattage15601380
Blade Mile per Hour300240
Horse Power2; 3 peak1; 2 peak
Noise LevelThe Blentec is louder than the VitamixThe Vitamix is quieter than the Blentec
Bladetwo-prong, wingtip straight bladefour-prong
ControlsTouch lighted icons on interface to choose cycles. Use slider bar to speed up or slow down blend by simply sliding your finger left or right.Switch and dial
On/off switch
Low/high switch
Variable speed knob
TamperBlendtec claims their pitcher and straight-blade design makes a tamper unnecessary. (I personally have found this to be true. The Blendtec quickly sucks the food down to the blade.)Includes tamper, which allows you to push food down into the blades while blender is running.
BPA-free jaryesyes
Easy to remove foodThe Blendtec’s square pitcher design allows one to easily clean food out of jar.Difficult to clean because of narrow, round jar design. Also, food tends to get stuck under blades.
Warranty7 years7 years


1. While the Blendtec Wildside jar really pulls the food down into the blades amazingly well (much better than the Vitamix), I have found that this jar doesn’t work as well as the four-side jar of the Blendtec Blender.

2. The Vitamix jar can be filled almost completely full before blending. However, Blendtec recommends their jar be filled only halfway.

3. The old Blentec jar design had a design flaw that caused them to wear out quickly. This issue has been resolved and the jar is now very durable.

4. I’ve had a small handful of people tell me that their Vitamix has overheating and self-shutdown issues. I’ve also had people tell me they’ve had their Vitamix for 10 years and it’s still going strong.

In my opinion, the Vitamix is a quality-built blender and will generally last you for MANY years, making it a wise investment.

5. Vitamix can move around on the counter a little bit when blending. I’ve never had this happen with the Blendtec (which is a good thing because I often start it blending and go on to other kitchen tasks since it automatically shuts itself off).

6. The Blendtec jar and the Vitamix jar can both be cleaned by filling jar halfway with warm, soapy water and pulsing.  Both manufacturers recommend that you NOT put them in the dishwasher as this will significantly reduce the life of jar components.

7. The Vitamix seems to make nut butters faster and easier than the Blendtec.  The Blendtec seems to blend all other ingredients faster and easier. Aside from quickness and ease of blending, the final quality (smoothness) is the same for both blenders.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about what you like or dislike about your blender – even if it isn’t a Blendtec or a Vitamix.

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  1. Thank you so much for this! I’m ready to buy either a Blendtec or Vitamix but can’t decide between the two. So which is your preference overall? And do you have any insights into all the different models? I’m so confused.

    1. Hi Jen,
      Both blenders are excellent choices and both do a great job, so I’m sure whichever one you buy, you’ll be completely happy with it.

      I personally prefer the Blendtec – it seems to blend a little better (just a little bit better), and I love the pre-programmed cycles. However, you can’t put as much food in it as you can with the Vitamix, so if you like to blend large amounts at a time, you may want to get the Vitamix.

      I have used several other blenders as well; if you can let me know which other one(s) you’re thinking of I may be able to help.

    2. Hi Jen,
      I am curious about the Blentec jar design flaw that has been corrected. Is this the seal that I have read about? I am checking because if this has been corrected, I think it solves my problem deciding between the two. thanks

  2. After 12 years of use, I had to replace my Vitamix container. The seal covering the bearing on the bottom wass completely worn. For about $80, I was able to find a used one in great condition on Ebay. The motor just keeps humming along, giving me no problem at all. Love it!

  3. I am so glad I found your post. Really great information, and it’s so good to hear from someone who tried both brands and can compare. Thank you!
    I broke my food processor that also had a blender jar, while making date paste. I did not think that date paste would be difficult to process. I think I need something pretty heavy duty, because I am making lemon grass paste, and lemon grass is really fibrous. I also want to make nut butters. Recently I started making shakes with pomegranate seeds and my little magic bullet is not strong or patient enough to grind the seeds. So I am looking for a new blender / food processor or both. I would prefer to buy one, I don’t have much room in the kitchen. And everyone seems to be madly in love with Vitamix.
    Do you think Vitamix or Blendtec would be able to do the things I am looking for? I am a little scared of the tall jar and the small blade, I am afraid that sticky things, like date paste, would just get stuck to the walls for and never reach the blade.
    Is there anything these blenders cannot do that a food processor can?

    1. Hi!
      I’m glad you found the post helpful. 🙂

      While both the Vitamix and the Blendtec can handle thick mixtures like date paste, I think a food processor works much better for this, as well as for any other tasks that involve not-so-liquidy ingredients.

      A food processor is definitely the tool of choice when it comes to super thick mixtures like date paste, pesto, hummus, dough, and nut butters. A food processor also does a superior job when it comes to making breadcrumbs and nut meal. (Not that a blender can’t do these jobs; a food processor just does them better.) And, of course, a blender can’t slice, chop, or shred like a food processor. (I can make a huge pan of scallop potatoes in just minutes using my food processor.)

      I understand wanting to buy only one appliance to save space. So it’s important to realize that a blender and a food processor are two different tools that perform two different set of tasks differently. That said, if you really want to buy only one and make it work for your needs, I would suggest determining what you will use it for most. If the answer is salad dressings, smoothies, and sauces, you may want a blender. For nut butters, doughs, dips, and pastes, consider a food processor.

      I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Best wishes to you. 🙂


      1. Hi Jennifer,

        Thank you so much for such detailed reply. I was so far using the food processor for dry or thick mixtures, and the blender for smoothies and soups. But then some of the reviews for Vitamix claimed that with it you would never need a food processor. I was not too sure of that, but for that price, you never know, it might as well do the dishes ;-).
        It’s really great to hear the opinion of someone who knows so much about cooking and who has used all these appliances. I really appreciate your help.
        I just now saw your post on the difference between a food processor and a blender. I am going to read that one. Your blog turns out to be a one-stop-shop for all the questions in the kitchen :-).

        Thanks so much once again! And Happy Easter!

      2. Hmm…. that is interesting and unfortunately true. I bought my Blendtec many years ago on the premise that it was able to do anything even without liquid. However, I found out that even with liquid there seem to be issues. For example, if my smoothie has harder items like carrots or even dates then in the final smoothie there still will be chunks of it. I do it in a smoothie setting. Any suggestions on avoiding the chunks?
        Also, do you mill your own flour? I do not think that Blendtec would be good for that even though it is supposed to mill flour.
        Thank you 🙂

        1. That’s interesting. I haven’t had a problem of still having chunks after blending. Not sure why that would be the case. I have never used the smoothie setting though. I always manually select the speed. Maybe that would help.
          Yes, with the Twister Jar, you can mill your own flour. It works well for grinding grain.

          1. Thank you for your response.
            I am glad to see that I can mill flour in the Twister Jar because I had my doubts.
            Regarding the smoothies I do use the “Smoothie” button. Maybe that is the problem and why I still have chunks in a smoothie. Although you would think that “Smoothie” button should work the best LOL
            How do you make your smoothie exactly then? I do have quite an old model (probably over 13 years old) so my settings might be different than yours. I do have the speed up and down buttons. I believe I can go 8 clicks up. It does not tell me slow speed, medium or high.

    2. I have a Vitamix E310. I chose the low profile jar (48 ounce. 64 ounce low profile is available) and I find is much easier to clean. I do use the tamper quite often. Nut butters are a breeze to make. I do recommend the under blade scraper.

  4. Thanks for this review, it’s helpful for many to see the two side by side. Personally, I’m a diehard Vitamix fan. It’s designed well, feels like it’s made from quality materials, and I think it’s a better product overall. I don’t see the appeal of different blending settings, which is why I prefer the simplicity of Vitamix models. I will say, however, that Blendtec’s “Will It Blend” viral videos were genius, great move on their part! …but go Team Vitamix! 🙂

    1. LOL! It’s a problem, isn’t it? 🙂

      Even though the better blenders cost more, they really don’t since they last so long!

    2. I bought one of the earlier Vitamix models, all stainless steel version with the spout. It make great ice cream! It was in the 80’s. I kept it for years and didn’t use it (I found my food processor so much more useful for the way I cooked). I finally sold it on eBay for $150! So if you want a new Vitamix trying selling yours on eBay, it will probably help you cover much of the cost of a new one!

  5. I have had both blenders and have decided that I like the Blendtec better. I make smoothies almost every day and it is just so much easier without that horrible tamper. I had my first Blendtec for about a year,then there was a problem with the it, so I brought it back to Costco (for a full refund). I replaced it with the Vitamix, then after a couple of months I missed my Blendtec too much and brought the Vitamix back to Costco and ordered the Blendtec from their website. I love Costco and I love Blendtec!

  6. Hello,

    Came across your blogh. I just bought a Vitamix from QVC todays special value. I have put some heavy duty food into the blender and mine never moves. I saw a youtube video where a lady was making a cold coffe drink and the blendtic bolunced all over the table wraping the cord around itself. It also leaked from the lid and the base. After see that I went with the Vitamix. Their are things about the Vitamix I don’t like, but over all I am happy with it. I am a chef of 33 year. Just my point of view.

  7. Just as an update, the VitaMix DOES have a “SMALLER” blender that FITS UNDER CABINETS.

    I am a diehard vitamix lover. you give a good comparison to the blendtec. interesting food for thought. maybe one of each? 🙂 (then you can do a butter or smoothie in one and a soup or something in the other) AT THE SAME TIME!!! 😀

  8. i’m a small business owner (smoothie shop) andi currently use both blendtec and vitamix in my store.

    1. past 3 years i went through 4~5blendtec machine and more than 10 jars. paid $300~400/unit.
    vs. vitamix . paid used one (3yrs) $500/unit.

    2..blentec is not for heavy duty jobs, especially with new “wildside jar”
    also, if you your smoothies to be runny, then you won’t have any problem with blendtec.

    3. new model blendtec (2011 or 2012) moves around on the counter alot when blending and has others problems. blendtec knows what the porblems are with their blender and jar.

    i guess that is why there are too many rerfubished blenders out on the market and their jar has such a good warrenty as long as you are useing for personal use.

    4. if you are looking for blendder for personal use then don’t buy either of them.
    it’s not worth to spend $400-600 on a blender.

    i use 16years old $100 blender at home and it’s still doing well.

    1. Blendtec has a home line of blenders and a professional line. If you use the home line of blender for a commercial use it voids the warranty.

  9. I’d very much like to use the new Blendtec twister jar in order to make nut butters. I own a Vitamix TNC which is not really such a good option for nut butters – it takes an awful lot of time (always waiting inbetween cycles) and in the end the result isn’t nearly as smooth as I’d like it. Do you know by any chance whether the Blendtec twister jar fits on a Vitamix? I know that several people use Vitamix jars on the Omniblend mixer and it seems to work just fine. Any help would be very much appreciated.

    On a side note: the Blendtec turns right while all the other blenders turn left – is there a reason for or some advantage to it? Again, thanks for your excellent comparison.

  10. I’d very much like to use the new Blendtec twister jar in order to make nut butters. I own a Vitamix TNC which is not really such a good option for nut butters – it takes an awful lot of time (always waiting inbetween cycles) and in the end the result isn’t nearly as smooth as I’d like it. Do you know by any chance whether the Blendtec twister jar fits on a Vitamix? I know that several people use Vitamix jars on the Omniblend mixer and it seems to work just fine. Any help would be very much appreciated.

    On a side note: the Blendtec turns right while all the other blenders turn left – is there a reason for or some advantage to it? Again, thanks for your excellent comparison.

    1. Hi Nicole,
      The Twister jar doesn’t fit on a Vitamix. : ( I’m not sure why the Blendtec blades turn one way and the other blenders another way. Sorry I can’t help you there.


  11. Hi, jennifer,

    Thank you for your post. Wish I had read it earlier.

    I just bought a new vitamix, really excited about making lots of things myself. When I tried making tahini today, I was quite disappointed, I followed the instruction and turned the speed from om1 to 10, but all the sesame seeds just got crumbly and became a rough paste stick on the side and under the blades. The tamper doesn’t help cus it has a bit of distance between the blades, so it doesn’t reach anything and the blades were spinning on high speed in air, didn’t touch anything.

    I was too afraid to burn the machine so I stopped. The recipe I got was from a lady who uses blendtec, should I have bought the blendtec?

    1. I’ve never tried making tahini in my Blendtec, but I think it should work just fine. One tip: whether you are using the Blendtec or the Vitamix, it is necessary to have a large enough quantity of ingredients in the blender jar in order for them to blend. If you put just a small amount in, it won’t blend. You could try this with the Vitamix and it should solve your problem.

      Best wishes to you. 🙂

  12. I’m interested in the Blendtec but I am concerned about the digital part. Push a button and you get what you expect – isn’t always reliable is it? Digital things seem to have problems.
    I’m old school so a knob feels safer. I have a Vitamix and am considering upgrading.
    I like the idea of a 2 blade container that sucks the food down. Sounds much easier to clean.
    Have you had any problems with the button controls on the Blendtec??

    1. I haven’t had any problems at all with the control buttons of the Blendtec, but I certainly understand your concerns. (One of the power windows doesn’t work on my car – never had that problem with manual windows 😉 )

      They’re both good blenders, so I guess it just comes down to which aspects are important to you.

  13. I’ve only bought Blendtec blenders. I’ve used Vitamix blenders but felt more comfortable with Blendtec for ease of use.

    The first Blendtec blender I bought was the 650 Designer series. When they came out with the Wildside jar I liked my blender even more as I felt it helped the food to be blended easier.

    The next blender was the professional series 800 with the sound shield built around it and I absolutely love it! My husband works from home and I can use my blender without bothering anyone. I can even carry on a conversation with it running. I have all of the jars such as the twister jar for making butters, the smoothie jar for making smoothies in a disposable cup and like them both as well. My latest blender the Pro 800 is 8 years old and runs the same as when I purchased it. I bought it refurbished from the Blendtec store as they used to carry the same 7 year warranty as the non refurbished blenders but at a discounted price. Now they only offer a one year warranty on refurbished and a 10 year warranty on new. I would only buy new now.
    * I live 5 hours away from Salt Lake City. Every jar they sell you can purchase at 50% off but only if you come to their headquarters in person.

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