Are Baking Soda and Baking Powder Healthy Ingredients?

Are baking soda and baking powder healthy Ingredients?

A can of baking powder with some on a spoon

Sodium bicarbonate, or bicarbonate of sodium, is the scientific name of baking soda, formerly also known as saleratus. Both sodium and bicarbonate are natural substances in the body, but the metabolic control of both of them is very precise. Excess amounts of either cause an imbalance in physiology.

The consumption of baking powder or soda can alter profoundly the pH of the blood and “is readily absorbed into the general circulation and may alter systemic pH.” 1 This means that baking powder and soda negatively affect many tissues of the body.

Even as little as one milligram of baking soda or baking powder alters the pH of the stomach. This causes digestion to be delayed while the stomach takes on the task of correcting the pH. This, in turn, can cause irritation of the lining of the digestive tract.

Research shows that baking soda and powder intake also “causes inflammation of the stomach” 2 and is associated with a 190% increase in risk of stomach cancer. 3 This is likely due to the increased stomach acidity and inflammation caused by the sodium bicarbonate.

In addition, some vitamins in foods and in the blood, such as calcium, thiamine, and vitamin C are largely destroyed by the use of baking powder and soda.

The ingestion of baking soda also inhibits the body’s production of malic acid. (Malic acid is a natural element found in apricots, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, and grapes, plums, and other healthy foods. Malic acid offers many health benefits including energy production and kidney stone prevention.)

Sodium bicarbonate also causes bone loss as the body uses bone minerals to correct the acid environment produced by the sodium bicarbonate.   

Is Aluminum-Free Baking Powder a Healthful Option?

While many people are concerned about the health effects of using baking powder containing aluminum (sodium alum), there are still various health risks in using aluminum-free baking powder.

If sodium alum is not used in the production of baking powder, another acid-reacting chemical must be used. These other chemicals include potassium bitartate or acid phosphate.

Potassium bitartate in baking powder leaves a residue of rochelle salts that is very irritating to the digestive system and can injure the kidneys. The acid phosphate in baking powder causes the kidneys to excrete calcium in the urine, causing the bones to suffer.

“Saleratus [baking soda] in any form should not be introduced into the stomach, for the effect is fearful. It eats the coatings of the stomach, causes inflammation, and frequently poisons the entire system.” 4

How to Avoid Baking soda and Baking Powder

Baking soda and/or baking powder are commonly found in quick breads, cookies, crackers, cereal, cakes, wraps, breakfast bars, pancakes, and waffles. While there are a few foods that can be difficult to make without the use of this harmful chemical, with a few adjustments and a little know-how, you can still have many of the foods you like without the negative effects of baking soda and baking powder.

After I learned about the negative health effects of baking soda and baking powder, I set out to create recipes that taste good without these chemicals.

Try these delicious waffles made without either baking soda or baking powder.

A plate with healthy waffles made without baking soda or baking powder or sugar or oil.

Here’s where you can buy healthy tortilla wraps – all made with wholesome ingredients and no baking soda or baking powder.

Healthy tortilla wraps made without baking soda or baking powder or sugar or oil.

Check out these delicious breakfast bars – made without baking powder/soda.

Healthy berry breakfast bars with fruit and nuts

Granola can be a great alternative to cereal (which sometimes contains baking powder). If you make your own, it’s inexpensive and you can control what goes in it. Here are some healthy low-sugar and sugar-free granola recipes.

Two bowls of healthy cereal made without baking soda or baking powder or sugar or oil.

Cake nearly always contains baking soda or power. We love this waffle cake recipe. Not only is it free from baking soda and baking power, but it is also sugar-free and gluten-free as well.

Sugar-free carob waffle cake with birthday candles.

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  1. David H. Shaw, Drugs Acting on the Gastrointestinal Tract in Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Dentistry (Seventh Edition), 2017
  2. The Ministry of Healing, 300
  3. Phukan, R. K., et al. Dietary habits and stomach cancer in Mizoram, India, Journal of Gastroenterology 2006
  4. Counsels on Diet and Foods, 343

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  1. Thank you for this enlightening information. It’s very helpful when planning what foods I should be serving my family. I love your recipes.

  2. I was just talking with a friend about this topic the other day and I mentioned to her that Jennifer’s Kitchen probably has something on the topic!:) Thank you for delivering.;) Can I assume that foods like cornbread and muffins are not possible (in their familiar state, at least) without baking soda and baking powder?

    1. Hey Cami 🙂
      I’m really glad it was helpful. Yeast-raised cornbread and muffins are totally do-able, but the flavor is so very different than those raised with baking soda/powder that it takes some getting used to. We generally opt for bread-like foods that don’t need baking powder (bread, waffles, breakfast cookies, gems, flat bread, crackers, tortillas, etc.).

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