Brazil Nuts
Where to buy them, how to use them, and more!

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Brazil nuts are a tree nut native to the Amazon rain forest.
Where to buy Brazil nuts
We really like these raw Brazil nuts from Azure Standard.
Also, Amazon carries raw Brazil nuts for a good price.
Are Brazil nuts a healthy food?
Brazil nuts are a highly nutritious nut. They are a good source of selenium, magnesium, and slimming fiber.
Selenium is an important nutrient! Some studies show that the selenium in Brazil nuts may help improve thyroid hormone levels. It is also essential for brain health.
Brazil nuts contain ellagic acid, a nutrient that has been shown to be good for the brain. Both ellagic acid and selenium may also have anti-depressant properties.
Different varieties of Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts can be purchased raw or roasted, salted or unsalted, whole or pieces.
Interesting Facts about Brazil Nuts
1. The Brazil nut is a tough nut to crack!
The shell of a Brazil nut is extremely hard and require a tool to open.
2. Brazil nuts have 2 shells!
But before you can even get to that shell, you have to crack open another hard, round, coconut-like shell.
Brazil nuts grow in clusters of 8 to 24 (shelled nuts) inside a larger, hard, round shell.
3. You can eat too many Brazil nuts.
Because these nuts are so high in selenium, eating too many (more than about 50 nuts) at one sitting can cause selenium toxicity. Yes, you can get too much of even a good thing. 🙂
Recipes that Use Brazil Nuts
How to store Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer.