
Where to buy them, how to use them, and more!

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Walnuts are a type of tree nut.

Where to buy good walnuts

These walnuts from Azure Standard are great as are these from Amazon.

Also, Costco and Sam’s Club carry raw walnuts for a good price.

Walnut Nutrition

Walnuts are a good source of omega-3’s, protein, fiber, magnesium, and other important nutrients.

Research has shown that raw walnuts can help lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and help support beneficial gut bacteria.

Different Varieties of Walnuts

Walnuts come in the shell or shelled. (The shell of the walnut is very hard.) They can occasionally be found roasted, but they are usually available raw.

Recipes that Use Walnuts

How to Store Walnuts

Walnuts should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer otherwise their healthy oils will become rancid.