Rice, Brown

Where to buy it, how to use it, and more!

Brown rice health

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Where to buy good brown rice

We really like to buy our brown rice from Azure Standard. They have many different varieties of brown rice including long-grain, medium-grain, short-grain, basmati, and Jasmine.

Is brown rice a healthy food?

Brown rice is highly nutritious and very easily digested. And brown rice has way more riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin, phosphorus, potassium, and fiber than white rice.

Different varieties of brown rice

There are many different varieties of brown rice including long-grain, medium-grain, short-grain, basmati, and Jasmine.

How do you use brown rice?

Brown rice can be eaten plain, seasoned, or as an ingredient in many savory dishes. Brown rice is also delicious as a breakfast food.

Recipes that use brown rice

How to store brown rice

Brown rice should be store in the refrigerator or freezer.