Lemon Juice
Where to buy lemon juice, how to use it, and more!

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Lemon juice – the juice from lemons – can be used in a number of dishes to add flavor and nutrition. But squeezing lemons with your hands is messy and time consuming.
Bottled vs Fresh vs Frozen Lemon Juice
For most of my recipes, I use frozen lemon juice or a good-quality bottled lemon juice. But if fresh lemon juice is a must, I use my citrus squeezer. (It’s way more convenient than a lemon juicer.)
If I don’t absolutely have to have fresh lemon juice, frozen lemon juice or a good-quality bottled lemon juice is a very good option! It’s so convenient and it saves me loads of time squeezing lemons.
Many bottled lemon juice contains preservatives, like sodium benzoate or sodium metabisulfite. To avoid these additives, I use these brands as they are 100% pure lemon juice with nothing added.
Santa Cruz Organic Pure Lemon Juice – You can get this from Amazon, but I get it from Azure because it cost less than half the price.
Minute Maid 100% Pure Lemon Juice (frozen)
Lakewood Juices Lemon Juice is also very good. I get it from Azure, but you can also get it on Amazon (although, again, it is more expensive through Amazon).
Is lemon juice healthy?
Yes! Sprinkling lemon juice on food is a healthy way to season food. It is also a healthy replacement/substitution for vinegar.
Different ways to get lemon juice
You can, of course, buy fresh lemons and squeeze your own juice. This is time consuming, but fresh lemon juice is superior to bottled. And with a citrus squeezer it isn’t too difficult.
You can also enjoy the convenience of frozen lemon juice. It tastes closest to fresh, in my opinion.
And lemon juice can be purchased bottled. There are several brands of bottled lemon juice. Some has a lot of unhealthful additives. Others are just pure 100% lemon juice. Be sure to read the ingredient label so you know what you’re getting!
Recipes that use lemon juice
How to store lemons and lemon juice
Fresh lemons should be stored in the refrigerator. Frozen lemon juice should be stored in the freezer until shortly before needed at which point it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. Bottled lemon juice is shelf stable before opening. After opening, store in the refrigerator.