Almonds, Blanched
Where to buy them, how to use them, and more!

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Blanched almonds are almonds that have their papery brown skins removed.
Where to buy good blanched almonds
Sincerely Nuts carries good blanched almonds.
Or you can make your own blanched almonds.
How to blanch your own almonds –
1. Bring a pan of water to a boil.
2. Add raw almonds.
3. Allow to boil for 30 seconds.
4. Pour into a colander and drain.
5. Rinse briefly under cold water.
6. Slip the skins off by squeezing them between the thumb and finger.
How to cook with blanched almonds
In most recipes that call for regular almonds, you can use blanched almonds instead. But if a recipe calls for blanched almonds, it’s usually because the final product needs the smoother texture, flavor, or light color that blanched almonds provide.
Blanched almonds can be used in ways similar to raw cashews – blended with a liquid to make creams, milks, sauces, and dressings.
Recipes that Use Blanched Almonds
How to store blanched almonds
Blanched almonds should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.
Where to buy good blanched almonds
Sincerely Nuts carries good blanched almonds.