A Full Week of Healthy and Delicious Packed Lunches

Healthy Meal Plans

EDIT: My meal plans have been replaced by the meal plans in my weight loss program.

Life is busy. And sometimes that means important things – like healthy lunches – fall by the way-side.

Are your lunches boring? Or do you find yourself grabbing something fast from the nearby deli day after day?

Even some of the healthiest looking salads or sandwiches from popular lunch spots provide you with more than half the calories you should eat in an entire day, plus a load of unhealthy and fattening ingredients. All this in exchange for a nice dent in your pocketbook.

Healthy Lunches Made Easy

To help, I’ve put together a delicious packed lunch menu, complete with a thorough grocery list, easy-to-read recipes, and detailed, step-by-step instructions to keep your prep time to a minimum.

Because I do all the planning and thinking for you, even in your busiest weeks your midday meals can be varied, healthy, and tasty … and stress-free!

Healthy Meal Plans

What Others Are Saying

“These menus save me so much time.” ~ Cindy

“We have the best dinners every evening thanks to you!” ~ Tammy

“Amazing! You are amazing. I love your menus!” ~ Kathy

Benefits of a Pre-Planned Menu


Saves time

After developing the recipes and putting together a menu, we spend 8 to 10 hours working out the very smallest details of every menu to maximize your efficiency and minimize your time in the kitchen.

No calorie counting

We provide you with balanced, healthy meals that can help with weight loss without counting calories.

Reduces stress

No need to worry about what you are going to eat for lunch. We do all the worrying for you!

Always have the ingredients you need

With each meal plan, you get a complete grocery list so you have every ingredient you need to make all the meals for the week.

Reduces waste

A pre-planned menu means less food spoilage and fewer leftovers forgotten.

Eliminates the morning rush

This lunch menu is planned so you can prepare all your meals for the entire week at the beginning of the week in about 60 minutes!

Pre-Planned Menus from JK

Healthy Meal Plans

Make eating healthy easier.

I’ve worked out every little detail, created a thorough grocery list, tested the menu numerous times, orchestrated step-by-step instructions, and fine-tuned it all so that you don’t have to do any thinking. I’ve done it all for you. I hope you enjoy!

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