10 Things I’ve Learned about Winter in Michigan + A Giveaway!

As I am creating this post, I’m sportin’ a brand new pair of Teva boots I just bought.  They are so warm and comfy.  I wanted to share the happiness with you, and sooooo we’re having a Teva giveaway!   To celebrate Teva’s 30th anniversary – and to help us all look forward to summer – Teva is giving away a pair of their very cool sandals.  To enter, see the details at the bottom of this post.

Teva 570

If you live in Florida, or the Caribbean, or some other enviably warm place, and you think you may be tempted to laugh at our shivery frozen tundra – just skip this post.  That is, unless you feel sorry for me and want to fly me some place warm for the weekend.  Or for the month.  If that’s the case, read on.  And you can send me my flight information by contacting me here.  I can leave on Thursday.

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So, here’s what I’ve learned so far about winter in Michigan:


Snow boots make playing outside so much more enjoyable. Thanks Teva!  These are the warmest, most comfortable snow boots I’ve ever worn.  You’ve made wintertime fun!


It’s important to always tie my new snow boots before I start running, otherwise I might end up falling like a two-year-old and burying my face under a foot of fluffy white stuff.   (No picture for that one. Sorry. 🙂 )



Our regular “hikes outside with nature” have morphed into regular “sled rides outside in nature”.


We sometimes do more crashing than sledding.

snow sled crash


It is possible to fit three pairs of long johns under my jeans and not walk too much like a penguin.

Snow Mom6.

No matter how much momentum I have going, my little car is not a monster truck and won’t plow through a 3-foot snow drift.

Car stuck in drift


After a day outside, hot soup and a warm fire are the perfect remedy for those cold fingers and toes.

Italian Lentil Soup


Don’t drop a spoon in a snow drift. It instantly disappears and you may not find it ’til June. (What? Doesn’t everyone eat their lunch outside in the snow on a sunny day?)


Snowy walk Sarah

The first day of winter is only a few weeks after the last day of winter.


You know you’re talking to a native Michigander when they refer to the recent 20 degree weather as a heat wave.

What’s the weather been like where you are?  Are you enjoying winter, or are you looking forward to summer?  Wishing for summer?  You’re in luck!!

It’s Teva‘s 30th anniversary and the very sweet people there want to celebrate by giving one of my readers a pair of their really cool (as in comfortable, durable, and everything else good) sandals.   How fun!

Teva sandals

Just leave a comment answering one of the questions above OR tell me why you’d love these great sandals, and you’ll be entered into the giveaway.  The winning comment will be chosen randomly.  The giveaway will be closed at 6 pm on Wednesday, February 26.  The winner will be notified by email and must respond within 3 days to claim their very nice sandals.  In the meantime, checkout all of Teva’s great sandals!

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  1. I live in Central Texas, so our weather is a bit temperamental. We went from snow flurries and ice last week to 80-degree temps and sunshine this week. I wonder what will happen tomorrow?

  2. I live in North Carolina. Last week it snowed quite a bit. This week we’re expecting 70 degree weather. It’s been a roller coaster ride. I’m looking forward to spring.

  3. I live in Mississippi and winter is usually not too bad….never getting below 30 but this winter has been bad for us….lots of sleet,snow….really cold temp. and rain…..even a Christmas tornado….it’s been weird.I can’t wait for spring. THANKS

  4. It has been pretty cold here, we have had snow on the ground since the day before Thanksgiving. But, this last week we have soared up to the 40s and it has been so nice. I really like summer better. 🙂

  5. Does throwing boiling water and instantly turning it into vapor really get old? You folks stole our snow this year and just left us with the cold.

  6. I am in Michigan too and it is COLD. Really ready for spring. Good thing that our summers are so beautiful here.

  7. I think those who live in places where they do not see 4 distinct seasons are missing out. Each season (even winter) give us the opportunity to see part of God’s creativity and beauty. Although, I will say, I think I have seen enough of His creativity for one winter….ready for spring! 🙂

  8. I am one f those Florida people you referred to. We have been much warmer than you, but still too cold for my liking. I don’t miss Chicago in the winter a bit.

  9. I love winter picnics. A bonfire at night after snow shoeing ,sking or snowmobiling is great fun. I love roasing potatoes or sweet potatoes in the fire. Yum

  10. I’m in North Texas and I wish that I lived somewhere where there was a real winter! I *think* that I would love it! Our summers are brutal. thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Wow we are all sick of winter here in Lexington, KY! The last few years have been so mild I have been able to hang out clothes to dry, almost all winter! But not this year–yesterday was the first day thAt I could even think about hanging out clothes!! Come on summer, looking forward to summer and Teva sandals!

  12. We I live we get tons and tons of rain here in the topics. For the past few years we have been seeing more than usual. So we have cool 60’s with rain during the dark hours during our “winter”, But, I will take the rain any day vs. snow. When one is born and raised in the carribean no matter how hard you try, you have a very difficult time adjusting to the cold weather. Anything below 70 is cold for me! Brrrrrr….. BTW I live in the mountains in Puerto Rico. Wishing you some warmer weather there in the States!

  13. Down here in South Georgia, it’s pretty much the same… 70 degree days, 50 degree days, chilly nights, sun, rain… I’m BEYOND ready for sandal weather!!

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