Peanut Butter

Where to buy it, how to use it, and more!

Nut butter

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Peanut butter is a nut butter made from peanuts.

Where to buy good peanut butter

Be sure to read the ingredient label when purchasing peanut butter. Avoid peanut butter that has added sweeteners or oils.

Once Again brand makes a delicious peanut butter, as does Santa Cruz brand.

It makes a great substitute for butter on toast. Oil is a refined food and neither oil nor butter have the fiber and nutrients that nut butters do.

Be sure to buy peanut butter without added oils or sweeteners.

Different varieties of peanut butter

You can get peanut butter:

with salt or without salt

crunch or smooth

sweetened or unsweetened

with added ingredients (like oil) or pure peanut butter 

The recipes on Jennifer’s Kitchen use peanut butter made from roasted peanuts, with salt, without added oils or sweeteners.

How do you use peanut butter?

Peanut butter can be used just like you would use any other nut butter.

  • On sandwiches
  • Instead of butter on toast
  • To replace some of the oil or butter in cookies

Recipes that use peanut butter

How to store peanut butter

Unopened, a jar of peanut butter will stay good on the shelf for 3 to 4 months.

Once opened, it’s best to store natural peanut butter in the refrigerator to keep it fresh and prevent the natural fat in the peanut butter from going rancid.

Note: The natural fat (oil) in peanut butter will separate from the solids and rise to the top. Before using, stir the oil back into the peanut butter.

Where to buy good peanut butter

Once Again brand makes a delicious peanut butter, as does Santa Cruz brand.

Costco also carries natural peanut butter for a good price.