Lentils, Brown Lentils

Where to buy them, how to use them, and more!

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Lentils are a legume with a mild, earthy flavor. The legume family (also called pulses) includes beans, chickpeas, peas, peanuts, and lentils.

Where to buy lentils

Lentils can be found in just about any grocery store. The come either dried or canned. I like to purchase organic canned lentils from Azure. You can also get dried organic lentils from Amazon Fresh.

Different Varieties of Lentils

There are several varieties of lentils including brown lentils, red lentils, yellow lentils, green lentils, black beluga lentils, Puy lentils, and French lentils.

The variety of lentils are generally not interchangeable in recipes as they each have very unique characteristics. A recipe that calls for “lentils” without any other descriptor is most likely telling you to use brown lentils.

Brown lentils are the most common variety of lentils.

In the grocery store, you can find lentils in their dry form (usually in bags) or canned.

Are lentils a healthy food?

Lentils are a super healthy food! They are a good source of folate, iron, protein, and fiber.

Eating lentils can help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol.

How do you use lentils?

Lentils should always be cooked before eating. These legumes cook much more quickly than dried beans and do not have to be soaked before cooking. Cooked lentils are great in soups, salads, and casseroles.

Recipes that use lentils

How to store lentils

Dry lentils should be stored in a cool, dry place.