Coffee Substitutes (Herbal)
Healthy Coffee Substitutes – Where to buy it, how to use it, and more!

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The Negative Effects of Coffee
Most people are aware that coffee keeps them alert, but many don’t realize the negative side effects of both regular coffee and decaffeinated coffee.
Caffeine is not the only component of coffee that and the other chemicals that usually comes along with caffeine.
While it may seem that caffeine imparts energy, it actually does not. Caffeine is a psychoactive drug that manipulates the body to release energy from future stores and consequently drains the body reserves.
But decaffeinated coffee also contain chemicals (such as theobromine and theophylline) that negatively affect the body.
Caffeine and its related chemicals cause an increase in appetite hormones. They also cause blood sugar and insulin levels to rise, which, in turn, prompts the body to store fat. These chemicals contribute significantly to inflammation and once inflammation starts in the body, caffeine can accelerate it by 300%.
And just one cup of tea in the morning can significantly alter hormone levels, which can affect your sleep for up to 72 hours after you drink it.
Are Coffee Substitutes a Good Replacement?
Unlike decaffeinated coffee that still contains harmful chemicals, most herbal coffee substitutes are made from healthful ingredients, like carob, dates, and chicory.
Herbal coffee subs are delicious, caffeine-free beverages that taste similar (but not the same as) coffee.
Where to Buy Healthy Coffee Substitutes
Azure Standard carries Teeccino and Dandy Blend herbal coffee subs. These are both healthy coffee substitutes.
You can also buy Teeccino and Dandy Blend from Amazon.