Add potatoes, parsley, basil, and 4 cups of water. Turn heat to high.
When water comes to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are tender, but not mushy (about 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the size of the potato dices).
Meanwhile, place cashews, granulated onion and garlic, salt, and remaining cup of water in blender and blend on high speed until very smooth. A heavy-duty blender works best for this.
When potatoes are tender, stir in blender mixture and chopped artichoke hearts, and cook until hot. Serve hot.
1. Cashews should be rinsed in a colander under hot water before using.2. If your artichoke hearts have some tough leaves, be sure to discard those before adding to soup.3. The grocery store near me doesn't carry frozen artichoke hearts, and I skipped the fresh ones because I didn't want to make this recipe too time consuming for my readers. The canned ones worked nicely, but feel free to experiment with fresh or frozen if you'd like.